6 Common House Pests That Love Infesting Your Home

If you own a home or manage properties, you may already be acquainted with the nuisances that come with dealing with pest infestations. Discovering pests in your home can add a great deal of discomfort and inconvenience to your life. Sometimes, they can even threaten the integrity of your property. Even if you believe your home is pest-free, it is still important to keep an eye out for pests; Tactical’s pest control specialists work hard to eliminate the problem early, which can help prevent the infestation from growing. Here are the 6 types of pests that you should be aware of.

1. Bed Bugs

Many people have heard the phrase “Don’t let the bed bugs bite” before going to sleep, but those who have actually been bitten by bed bugs know how irritating they can be.

Bed bugs on a white cloth, macro, Generative AI

  • Bed bugs are very small – most are only 3/16th of an inch in length – and have round, flattened bodies. 
  • They are bloodsucking insects that are attracted to the warmth emitted from people and animals, which is why they are often found in peoples’ beds and other warm areas.
  • Bed bugs can latch onto objects easily, and when these objects are brought indoors, these pests will search for a secluded place to lay their eggs. 

2. Ants

While these insects are typically benign compared to other house pests, their presence in your home should not be ignored. 

Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta

  • Several species of ants can find their way into your home, but most ants measure ¼ of an inch and have six legs and two antennae on their heads.
  • Some ants, such as carpenter ants, are completely harmless, but some species possess a painful bite that can cause rashes or even severe allergic reactions.
  • Ants are burrowing insects, and they often find themselves digging into people’s homes to form colonies of up to 800 ants.

We’ll help remove these pests from your home.

3. Roaches

Nobody wants to find a swarm of large, menacing roaches in their home, as they can multiply quickly and infect your food and produce.

Close up Cockroach on white a bowl

  • Roaches are often one of the largest insects that a homeowner may find in their living space: most species can measure up to 2 inches in length and have wide bodies with long antennae.
  • Most roach species can carry bacterial diseases like E. coli, and their attraction to food means that they can spread those diseases to your pantry.
  • Although they don’t burrow, roaches can infiltrate your home by crawling through pipes, sneaking through open doors and windows, and cracks in your walls.

Tactical Tip: Roaches are especially common here in North Texas, which is why it’s important to keep an eye out for these frightening insects in your home. Since roaches can multiply very quickly–most species lay eggs once every 6 weeks–it would not take long for an infestation to occur. Each egg that a roach lays can spawn up to 48 roaches, and these eggs are typically laid in the warm, comfortable safety of your home. If you see tiny roach-like insects crawling around your home, then you are likely the most recent victim of a roach infestation.

4. Rodents

These species make up the most common house pests in the world, and finding one of these critters in your home means that there are almost certainly more of them nearby.

Pet rat

  • Many undesirable species are classified as rodents; the most common species include rats, mice, possums, and moles.
  • Rodents pose a major threat to your home because they carry several dangerous diseases, can cause property damage, and can carry other pests like ticks and fleas into your living space.
  • Since most rodents can chew through wood and other hard materials, they can enter your home by gnawing through your house’s walls, foundation, and roof.

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5. Spiders

Elusive and often venomous, nobody wants to find spiders in their home, but many species actively seek shelter in your home when they need to reproduce.

Curious jumping spider close up

  • Over 4,000 different spider species call North Texas home, and while their sizes vary, most spiders have eight legs and eight eyes.
  • Spiders are often harmless, but species such as black widows and brown recluses possess a venomous bite that can cause numerous health complications.
  • Depending on the season, the warmth of your home can be attractive to spiders looking for shelter, so many will build their nests in the secluded corners of your house.

6. Termites

Like the other pests on this list, termites are annoying to deal with, but ignoring the signs of an infestation can lead to significant damage to your house and property.

Close up termites or white ants

  • Termites often resemble ants, but they have thicker bodies and have a longer average length at ⅜ of an inch.
  • Although they are not harmful to people, termites can cause serious damage to your home by eating through the wooden structural supports of your home.
  • Between February and October when the weather starts to get warmer, termites will dig through the soil to find sources of food, which usually includes wood and other organic matter.

As a homeowner, it is important to look for signs of pests in and around property, as infestations can quickly become more serious over time. Many pest control services in the DFW area often cannot treat and defeat all of the pests mentioned in this list, but our experts at Tactical Pest Services are trained to handle all types of pest infestations. From monthly treatments to quarterly inspections, Tactical is here to serve you and bring some peace of mind back to your home. If you’re looking to take action against pests, get a free quote from us today!
