Summer Insects – What to look out for

Summer is a time that brings warmth, sunshine, and bugs. As temperatures rise, pests emerge and seek shelter. Whether it’s ants or small bed bugs, being informed and prepared is key to maintaining a pest-free environment.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are common insects that thrive in the summer due to the warm weather. They are tiny, flat, reddish-brown insects that feed on human blood. Bed bugs are nocturnal pests that hide in the cracks, crevices of your bedding during the day. They use the heat to help accelerate their life cycles. While bed bugs are tiny creatures that can easily hide, there are some early signs to identify a bed bug infestation.


Red, itchy bite marks: Bed bug bites often appear in clusters or rows on exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, arms, and legs. However, not everyone reacts to bed bug bites, so it’s possible to have an infestation without visible bites.

Bloodstains: Small blood stains or rust-colored spots on the mattress or bedding may be caused by accidentally crushing bed bugs while sleeping.

Fecal Spots: Black dots about the size of a period are excrement left behind by the bugs and can indicate a bed bug infestation.

bed bugs

To prevent bed bugs, regularly inspect your bedding, mattress seams, furniture, and headboards for any signs mentioned above. Wash and dry your clothes, bedding, and other potentially infested items on high heat to kill any bed bugs or eggs that may be present. Regularly vacuuming while paying close attention to areas near the bed is also a step to prevent bed bugs.


Mosquitoes are small flying insects known for their itchy bites and their ability to transmit diseases. They thrive in warm, humid environments and are most active during dusk and dawn. Preventing infestations can be done by noticing the signs below:


Breeding grounds: Standing water in and around your property is where mosquitoes lay their eggs. Ponds, birdbaths, flower pot saucers, and clogged gutters serve as breeding grounds for them.

Buzzing and swarming: Mosquitoes are often audible due to constant buzzing or high-pitched whining sounds, especially around your ears. You may notice them gathering in swarms, especially in areas with standing water.

Bites and itchy skin: Mosquito bites often leave red, itchy bumps on the skin. They are commonly found in exposed areas such as the arms, legs, and face.

mosquitoe on glass table top dfw

One way to prevent mosquito infestations is to maintain outdoor areas. This can be done by removing standing water. Regularly emptying out and cleaning any containers that can collect water to prevent water accumulation. Trimming vegetation and mowing the lawn also minimizes mosquito resting areas. 

Bees, Hornets, and Wasps

Other common insects are bees, hornets, and wasps. During the summer months, these flying insects become more active. While bees are generally beneficial, hornets and some wasp species can pose a threat due to their aggressive behavior. Understanding signs of infestations can help control them. 


Presence of nests or hives: Bees usually build honeycomb-like structures while wasps and hornets construct papery nests. These structures can be found in areas such as tree hollows, crevices, and even underground burrows – more common with wasps and hornets.

Buzzing sounds: Audible buzzing sounds are likely to come when these flying insects are near their nests or in flight.

Sudden Appearances: Infestation is more likely when any of these insects appear suddenly.

wasp building nest on wood structure

To minimize the likelihood of infestation, keeping indoor and outdoor areas clean, properly storing food, eliminating standing water, and trimming vegetation keep from enticing these flying pests. 


Ants are another insect that are more active in warm weather. There are various types of ants ranging from sugar ants in your kitchen to ants that can chew through electrical wires. Ants are social insects that are known for their persistent foraging behavior and ability to establish colonies in and around home. In any instance, it is good to notice early signs of infestations to prevent them.


Visible Trails: Ants often travel in distinct trails, particularly in areas where there is a food source. You may notice a line of ants moving back and forth between their nest and the food.

Small piles of dirt: Presence of small piles of dirt or soil near cracks, crevices, or along the baseboard, indicates an ant nest.

Nesting areas: Ants tend to establish nests in hidden or hard to reach areas such as small openings or cracks in walls, floors, or windows.

ants crawling on piece of wood

Sealing entry points, keeping food tightly sealed in containers, and maintaining cleanliness all help towards preventing ant infestations indoors. Eliminating moisture by repairing leaks or sources of excess moisture in your home also prevents ant infestations as ants are attracted to damp environments. Outdoors, preventing ant infestations can be done by maintaining outdoor areas by trimming vegetation and removing debris. 


As summer brings its fair share of insect activity, it is important to be vigilant and safeguard your home. Understanding the signs of these common summer insects can minimize the risk of infestations and potential health hazards. At Tactical Pest Services, our expertise and targeted solutions can help ensure a peaceful and pest-free summer season for your home. Remember, reaching out to a professional service provider ensures the maximization for infestation prevention.
