Termites vs. Carpenter Ants & How to Know the Difference

A significant number of pest control calls are because of termites and carpenter ants, and this is just one of their many similarities that makes it difficult to tell them apart. These two stubborn pests also damage and attack wood, which makes them dangerous for the structural integrity of your property.

Since most houses in the US are built with wood framing, your home is in danger of expensive fixing damages if you have termites or carpenter ants. Apart from the fact that they cause the same damage, they are also similar in appearance.

The two pests have small wings and bulbous chitin shells, which causes many homeowners to confuse them for each other. Knowing the differences between these two will help you when calling for residential pest control and checking out your options.

Whether you have termites or carpenter ants, you can solve the problem by calling on Tactical Pest Services. With the right tools and materials, these professional pest services will take care of any infestations that you’re struggling with.

The Difference Between Termites and Carpenter Ants

If you take a closer look, you can figure out the differences between termites and carpenter ants. Even if they look the same at first glance, their body shape, antenna, wings and color are different. Termites have no waist, only a rectangular body, and are transparent or creamy white, while carpenter ants have a constricted waist and are reddish and dark. As for their antennas, the termite has a straight, beaded shape while carpenter ants are bent.

There is also a difference between the signs of carpenter ants vs. termites. While termites avoid light and stay in their nests unless you disturb them, carpenter ants are often seen out looking for food.

Another sign is the way they interact with wood. Termites eat the wood that they nest win while carpenter ants dig into them to create their nests. So, if you see shavings of wood, you know those are carpenter ants.

Also, carpenter ants prefer damaged wood while termites prefer healthy ones. The tunnels the former create are smooth and finish, while the latter end up with rough and ragged tunnels. You can also use mud tubes to identify the presence of termites.

You also need to know the difference between carpenter ants’ larvae vs termites’ larvae, because if ignored, you can end up with a full-on infestation. Carpenter ant larvae are white, small, legless, and look like grubs. On the other hand, termites’ larvae are smaller and look very much like eggs. They look like the smaller versions of worker termites.

Getting Rid of Termites and Carpenter Ants

Whether you have termites or carpenter ants, having an infestation in your home can be a challenge. Rather than struggling with them on your own, even if you don’t know which one you’re dealing with, you should contact Tactical Pest Services.

With high-quality pest services to take care of all types of infestations, you can contact Tactical Pest Services to take care of termites and carpenter ants.
