How to Care for and Treat Ant Bites

It’s summer and that generally means two things for Texans — extreme heat and the dreaded invasion of ants. While the 100°+ days are rather annoying and unpleasant, just about anyone from Texas will tell you that stepping in a fire ant bed can cause very painful bites.

Ant mounds are not a good look for your yard, and those pesky ants will bite everything they come into contact with. Their sting can also be very uncomfortable for children and adults. If you’ve had the misfortune of stepping into an ant pile and you’re looking for a cure for those itchy ant bites, there are a few things you should do.

A Quick Note

You should never, EVER, stomp on ant piles or attempt to relocate them by hand. Disturbing their mounds in any way can result in an attack.

When working in the yard, avoid doing so near their mounds, use insect repellent, and wear protective clothing such as boots and thick socks. If you feel a sting or even see ants on you, immediately step away from the area as you could be on top of them without knowing.

A Major Sign to Watch For

For most people, ant bites usually just result in an overall stinging/burning/itching sensation that may swell a bit. Fire ant bites are easy to differentiate because they leave round, pus-filled blisters that look like small pimples. Either way, most ant bite symptoms can usually be relieved with some of the tips below.

However, some people are severely allergic to the venom and a single sting can result in anaphylaxis in just a matter of minutes. If the victim shows any sign of swelling of the tongue or throat, has trouble breathing, seems confused or dizzy, or loses consciousness, you should immediately seek emergency medical assistance.

What to Do After Stepping in an Ant Pile

While anaphylaxis is serious and scary sounding, most people simply suffer from the milder symptoms which are itching or a rash. Here are a few things you can do that might provide a bit of relief.

  • Minor itching – apply hydrocortisone cream to the area.
  • Moderate itching/rash – take an antihistamine.
  • Major itching – try an oatmeal bath.
  • Swelling – apply a cold compress for 1 hour (20 mins on / 20 mins off).
  • And to help prevent infection, apply a triple antibiotic ointment

Attack ‘Em Back!

Fighting an ant invasion in Texas can seem like a difficult task when you take it on alone. Oftentimes as soon as one pile is destroyed, two more appear. 

If you’re in the North Dallas area and want to remove those ants once and for all, you need to contact pest control professionals. We’re a professional pest service that uses environmentally friendly pest control methods while adhering to strict spraying standards to help ensure that treatments don’t affect your pets or family. Just those invasive insects we all love to hate! 

